UR Chill Technology srl - Via Zucchi 3/d - San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)
Tel. 051-6814130 - Fax 051-6814823 - e-mail: info@abitenda.it





CALOR heaters are designed to heat liquids and, in winemaking, to favour the resumption of the process of fermentation in musts. They are made with stainless steel and may be set at the temperature desired. On request, custom models are also produced to meet special temperature and user needs.




+ C° in h litri Dim. (cm) Kg. Volt Price

CALOR 1500

10 10 1000 d 18 x h 162 3,5 230 €   423,00

CALOR 3000

10 10 2000 d 18 x h 162 4 230 €   710,00
CALOR 4500 10 10 3000 d 40 x h 205 4,5 230 €   775,00

CALOR 4500 trifase

10 10 3000 d 40 x h 205 8 230/400 €   1.084,00


See price-list

e-mail: info@abitenda.it