UR Chill Technology srl - Via Zucchi 3/d - San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)
Tel. 051-6814130 - Fax 051-6814823 - e-mail: info@abitenda.it



Gefriergeräte für flaschenhälse: zum absinken der temperatur bis -25°C. Auf Räder montier und versehen mit Temperaturregelthermostat. Verschalung aus rostfreiem Sthal. Lieferber: degorgeur zum Gleissausless, pupitres zum remuage und atoxisches Glikol, um den nicht zu beschmutzen. 

Leggi una breve nota sul "Metodo Champenois"

103BOT 310026xh4612315/201.140,00
104BOT 730040xh7930930/451.760,00
105BOT 1080046xh79401560/902.380,00
106BOT 32130085xh858060120/1803.320,00
106sBOT 32s220085xh859090180/2703.950,00
*lt/glycole in the tank- **the bottles/hour number changes for the room temperature, the glass thinckness, etc.

BOT 7 - BOT 3 - BOT 32


The DEGORGEUSE to extract easly the cap and the ejection of the freezed dregs.
· Wide zinc-plated telescopic base.
· Steinless steel head with adjustable cap seat and inclination.

€ 398,00

The PUPITRES for the'remuage' of the bottles.
· Wood manufactured for 8, 16, 24, 36 e 120 bottles.
· In iron cages for 360 bottles with, upon request, octagonal base for the handbook rolling.

mod./bott.cm.Prezzo €
PUPITRE 24 (legno)38x11x84118,00
PUPITRE 36 (legno)38x11x110145,00
PUPITRE 120 (legno)74x11x151281,00
PUPITRE 36094x94x88h780,00

PROPYLENIC GLYCOL (art.120), nontoxic and specific for groceries.
· 20 and 50 kilos tanks.


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e-mail: info@abitenda.it   (if you want a very quick replay, please, write us in English)