UR Chill Technology srl - Via Zucchi 3/d - San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)
Tel. 051-6814130 - Fax 051-6814823 - e-mail: info@abitenda.it


"BIB", Thekenkühler für bag-in-box.

Für 2 oder 3 Weintypen.

Funktioniert wie der Kühlschrank zu Hause: normale Wartung und Reinigung mit einem Schwamm.

Drei Modelle: 

  • Rostfreier Stahl  (BIB INOX)
  • Holz (BIB BOTTE)
  • Blech mit Kunststoffbeschichtung. (BIB BACCO)

· Supplied with a little refrigerating unit of 1/12 hp

162BIB 2x10 INOX400x360xh52019020
163BIB 30 BOTTE 500x570xh72019034
160BIB 2x10 BOTTE 50x57xh7219035
169BIB 3x10 BACCO570x475x63419026
161BIB 20 BOTTE NR38x35xh40-6


The BIB 30 BOTTE can contain a 5-10-20 lt bag + another for store.

The BIB 2x10 BOTTE has a cooled tank and the other only refreshed.

The BIB 3x10 BACCO has two cooled tanks and the 3rd is not refreshed for the red wine. 

The BIB 20 BOTTE NR  is not refreshed.

BIB 2x10 INOX art.162

€   898,00

 BIB 30 BOTTE art.163

€   1.306,00

(und 2x10 art.160)

€   1.542,00

BIB 3X10 BACCO art.169

€   850,00


€   225,00


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e-mail: info@abitenda.it (if you want a very quick replay, please, write us in English)